Get Involved
Families are Embraced
Kilgour School has a long tradition of parent involvement. By staying engaged in your child's progress or even volunteering your time and talents, you are not only helping to support and strengthen our community, you are teaching our children the value of giving back while modeling personal growth and how one contributes to community and society. Learn more about how to get involved with CPS schools.
Family Involvement
Families can begin encouraging the education of their children by showing that they truly value education and respect the staff at their student's school.
Some of the ways that parents, caregivers and grandparents can become involved are:
- Helping your child with homework, especially reading together
- Joining committees that help decide school issues (LSDMC, ILT, PTO)
- Giving time to the school, classroom or library
- Committees
- Parent Involvement
The Kilgour PTA is a volunteer group made up of parents, teachers and interested community members. The group raises funds through several events held during the year to provide financial support to enhance the students’ education.
Meetings are held in the Kilgour Library on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.
The PTA provides funding to help support the purchase of computer equipment, field trips, financial support to teachers for the purchase of supplies, publishing of the school newsletter, assisting with the upkeep of buildings and grounds, supporting school clubs, and assemblies.
Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC)
The LSDMC is the primary governing body for each school in the district. This committee gives insight and input into important decisions that greatly impact students' lives and shape their educational experiences. Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month in the Kilgour Resource Center.
The functions of the LSDMC include:
- Adopting bylaws, including the school's mission and vision
- Setting measurable goals, based on a needs assessment
- Developing a broad plan (One Plan) to implement these goals
- Completing a mid-year and end-of-year progress report
- Making recommendations and approving the school budget
- Participating in the selection of the principal when a vacancy exists
- Approving locally initiated changes in the school's program or focus
- Making recommendations to the principal regarding other school issues
- Seeking grants to support the school's programs (optional)
- Coordinating and overseeing the development of the school as a Community Learning Center
- The committee is composed of parents, teachers, staff members, students and community members. The LSDMC meets 9 times each year.
Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
The ILT sets the instructional focus and makes the instructional decisions for the school. ILT responsibilities include:
- Developing, reviewing and evaluating the instructional program
- Monitoring and improving school operations and procedures that affect instruction
- Planning and monitoring training of staff
- Creating and maintaining a safe and orderly school environment
- The team is composed of the principal, two parent representatives, two non-teaching staff members, and teachers. ILT meets twice a month and as needed.
Volunteers are Welcome!
We love our volunteers! From giving their time in the classroom to planning and coordinating special events to everything in between, our volunteers help make our schools a richer, stronger learning environment. Interested in learning more about how you can make a measurable difference in the lives of our students? Contact the school.
Volunteer Opportunities
As you become familiar with Kilgour, you will discover a true community at work. By becoming involved in your child’s classroom, you will become a contributing member of this great community.
The following are a few suggestions:
- Listen to students read.
- Read to students.
- Assist with special projects in the classroom, such as cooking, plays, writing books.
- Play instructional games with individual students.
- Send “Food for Thought”, a simple snack such as pretzels to share with the class.
- Assist with Science preparations for the Hands-On Science Program.
- Help check out books during your child’s weekly classroom visit to the library.
- Go on field trips.
- Offer to be a guest speaker and share your talents.
- Help supervise the lunchroom. Kindergartens need plenty of help opening their packages.
- Help the room parent with class parties and the carnival booth in the spring.
- Become the room parent! (Coordinate class parties and be in charge of the class booth at the Kilgour Carnival).
- Help take down or set up bulletin boards.
- Sign up with your child’s teacher for weekly or bi-weekly classroom visits.
Security Badges and Background Checks
To assure the safety of students and staff, Cincinnati Public Schools requires security badges for anyone entering CPS' buildings. One-time visitors receive a temporary security badge from the front office. Individuals who visit our buildings on a regular basis, such as volunteers, must obtain a security badge and wear it at all times in our buildings. Learn more about how to obtain a security badge.